Dr. Mark Peterson Mark Peterson is a Professor in the Department of Coastal Sciences at The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (USM/GCRL) where he served on faculty. Prior to coming to USM he was faculty at Mississippi State University for 5.5 years and a Post-Doctoral fellow at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Florida for 2 years. At USM, Mark was Coordinator of Graduate Studies, a member/head of the Summer Field Teaching Program, and acting Department Chair in Coastal Sciences during his almost 21 years at USM/GCRL.Mark developed a research program on resource ecology and conservation where he and his students have studied fish-habitat relationships, eco-physiology of fishes, urbanization impacts on coastal ecosystems, acoustic tracking of threatened Gulf Sturgeon, invasive species, and life-history of fishes. Mark, his students, and colleagues have published extensively on these topics with almost 126 publications to date. Mark has been at the forefront of training future leaders through his courses at USM/GCRL, MSU and internationally in subjects ranging from Fish Ecology and Biology, Ichthyology, Animal Behavior, Statistical Methods and Coastal Processes. Mark has led through service, including roles as President of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Overall Chair of the 2012 Southern Division AFS Spring meeting in Biloxi, Mississipi, and Co-Program Chair of the 1994 Mid-Year SDAFS Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has also served as President and member of the Board of Governors for the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, and was a member of the Science and Data Team for the National Fish Habitat Initiative. He was the Editor-in-Chief for 19 years of the marine science journal Gulf and Caribbean Research (http://www.usm.edu/gcrl/gulf_caribbean_research/index.php) through 2013; he and Nancy Brown-Peterson have recently re-initiated the Gulf and Caribbean Research as an online journal starting in 2015.